Eternal Dawn?

I’ve found myself doing a arise shine fbcpastoruss wordpresslot of reflection this Spring; I love this season.  It’s a time of transition, of liminal light – not dark, not light, just a sense of an Eternal Dawn. I feel as if the light and darkness are in coming into balance and time will stand still.  My lovely image shatters when I realize that at the balance point lasts only one day; the pendulum must pursue its swing to the other end. I wonder: is there ever a real cosmic balance?  Or do we experience the balance in our going from one side of the see-saw to the other, in the intentional pursuing of the other end? Like a graceful dance between two points.

Every major spiritual tradition that I know of (at least as I understand them) has a sense of the quest for balance. Finding our centre in a Labyrinth, or in the Stillness of Meditative Prayer, among the quadrants of the Medicine Wheel, in the “zen” moment of Now.  It seems to me that the common strain is that the balance point is our connection to The Holy Mystery of the Universe (for lack of a more creative word:God). An umbilical cord to our Source of Life.  Being in The Present. The absolute, timeless, eternal moment of Now.

But all around me I see there is an equally holy pattern of movement. Even if we are fortunate enough to touch that Eternal Moment for the briefest of time, I wonder if we aren’t supposed “to live” in that one moment of balance? What if we are to find the Holy Moment in the movement?   Cherishing the memory, looking forward to its coming again; finding the Holy as we dance together from one side to the other? Living in the ebb & flow.

The snow this week. The grass was beginning to awaken, finding its root strength to stand up.  And now its under snow again.  But only for a time: the sun will shine with warmth, the grass will come up again, become strong and then begin its descent back to hibernation.  There is the eternal cycle of ebb and flow, of life and death and rebirth. It’s mystical — when I stop bustling long enough to recognize it.  And I am part of it.

The resurrection story (at least in the Northern Hemisphere) is celebrated in the Springtime; the stories take place at Dawn. On the first day of the week. Resurrection is Life Returning.  Is the story of Jesus’ resurrection an invitation into the dance of finding Life, of touching the Sacred, aware of living in the ebb and flow?  There is a sacred-ness about the energy placed within us at birth; it moves too. Awake and Asleep and Awake again.  Life and Death and Rising to Life again. Day and Night and Dawn Returning.

Maybe that’s why we say Jesus is fully human and fully divine – he lived, knowing that the Sacred moves in us and we in the Sacred. Not one or the other.  Maybe that’s the connection to the Source of Holy Balance for all time. Living a Life without Edges, an Eternal Life where the Sacred Dance cannot be stopped by our mortal death.  Knowing that in our Time, there is a Beyond Time. An Eternal Dawn. Happy Easter.

P.S. Credit, and gratitude, to for the delightful photo of dawning.

#dawn, #easter, #resurrection, #sacred-balance, #sacred-movement, #sprintime, #stillness, #transition